20-09-2012, 10:54 AM
What is it?
gWoWChar is a modification for vBulletin which allows you to display popup World of Warcraft character information in your forums posbit.
If you use this mod, please Mark as Installed (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=141455), and if you really enjoy this mod, please Nominate for MOTM, and if you really really enjoy this mod, feel free to Support Developer! Thank you!
Allows your users to enter multiple servers and characters
Links to either US or EU WoW Armorys.
Templated so you can direct links somewhere other than the Armory if you wish.
Manually place menu in postbit with $wowchar_menu
Optionally automatically add to postbit*
Shows formatted links on user profile profile.*Automatic addition of menu may not work with all templates.
Download the latest version and upload all files.
Install the product.
Create a Single-Selection Menu User Profile Field.
Multiple-Line Text Box
Title: World of Warcraft Characters
Description:Enter one character per line.<br /><br />Format: US/EU|Realm|Faction|Name<br /><br />Example: US|Mal'Ganis|Alliance|Gryphen
Default Value: Leave Blank
Max length of allowed user input: 1000
Field Length: 50
Text Area Height: 6
Field Editable by User: Yes
Other options are optional.
Look and see what the field name is for World of Warcraft Characters, example field25.
Fill in the gWoWChar configuration options.
That is all, instruct people to fill in their profile.
v1.20 - Import product with Overwrite
Now hooks $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left] for automatic postbit insertion
Removed profile overhaul changes, it is too prone to breaking things.
v1.10 - Import product with Overwrite
Added links in member profile page.
Added option to clean up the user profile display.
v1.00 - Upload all files import product.
Initial Release
gWoWChar, Copyright © Ryan Snook (www.gryphonllc.com (http://www.gryphonllc.com/))
Please do not redistribute this script without my consent. While updates may not be made to this product regularly, I still maintain it. If you have fixes, improvements or other additions to make to this mod, please contact me at rsnook@gmail.com for collaboration. I appreciate your consideration.
gWoWChar is a modification for vBulletin which allows you to display popup World of Warcraft character information in your forums posbit.
If you use this mod, please Mark as Installed (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=141455), and if you really enjoy this mod, please Nominate for MOTM, and if you really really enjoy this mod, feel free to Support Developer! Thank you!
Allows your users to enter multiple servers and characters
Links to either US or EU WoW Armorys.
Templated so you can direct links somewhere other than the Armory if you wish.
Manually place menu in postbit with $wowchar_menu
Optionally automatically add to postbit*
Shows formatted links on user profile profile.*Automatic addition of menu may not work with all templates.
Download the latest version and upload all files.
Install the product.
Create a Single-Selection Menu User Profile Field.
Multiple-Line Text Box
Title: World of Warcraft Characters
Description:Enter one character per line.<br /><br />Format: US/EU|Realm|Faction|Name<br /><br />Example: US|Mal'Ganis|Alliance|Gryphen
Default Value: Leave Blank
Max length of allowed user input: 1000
Field Length: 50
Text Area Height: 6
Field Editable by User: Yes
Other options are optional.
Look and see what the field name is for World of Warcraft Characters, example field25.
Fill in the gWoWChar configuration options.
That is all, instruct people to fill in their profile.
v1.20 - Import product with Overwrite
Now hooks $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left] for automatic postbit insertion
Removed profile overhaul changes, it is too prone to breaking things.
v1.10 - Import product with Overwrite
Added links in member profile page.
Added option to clean up the user profile display.
v1.00 - Upload all files import product.
Initial Release
gWoWChar, Copyright © Ryan Snook (www.gryphonllc.com (http://www.gryphonllc.com/))
Please do not redistribute this script without my consent. While updates may not be made to this product regularly, I still maintain it. If you have fixes, improvements or other additions to make to this mod, please contact me at rsnook@gmail.com for collaboration. I appreciate your consideration.